How to Run OR Debug Map Reduce algorithm using eclipse IDE, without installing Hadoop & HDFS on Windows OS.
This guide is intended for anyone who is looking for an answer to any of the following questions: How do I create/run/debug a MapReduce project using Eclipse IDE? How do I Run MapReduce locally without installing Hadoop & HDFS? How do I run the same on windows OS? Prerequisite: Eclipse. JDK Installed. Cygwin installed. Hadoop-jars (Download from here ) Problem statement: In a Mobile banking application, Bank sent the Push notification using GCM to each customer and encouraged them to share their user experience about the app on a scale of 1-5 stars. If user gives rating below 3, Then will be asked for feedback about how to improve user, bank wants to perform statistical analysis on basis of this huge data collected. Below are the logs excerpted from file, Above logs provides fair idea about customerID |User Rating | User Feedback | City. Solution : Let’s now try to understand how Map...